
At CPCT Test, we know how important it is to stay updated with job opportunities and related information. Our website provides all the news you need about various job exams, results, admit cards, and study materials. We are your go-to source for staying informed and succeeding in your job search.

Our Mission

At www.cpcttest.com, our mission is simple: To give you the latest and most accurate information about job opportunities and related exams. We understand how important it is to have the right information at the right time. CPCTTest is here to help you achieve a successful and rewarding career. Your goals are our mission – let’s succeed together!

What Sets Us Apart?

  • Complete Jobs & Exams Information: www.cpcttest.com is your main source for all job exam updates. We provide a complete and up-to-date list of exam schedules, syllabi, and important notifications to keep you ready.
  • Result and Admit Card Updates: We understand that the journey doesn’t end with registration. That’s why we give you timely updates on exam results and admit card releases, so you are always prepared for the next step.
  • Current Affairs Hub: Stay ahead of the curve with our dedicated section for current affairs. We curate relevant and timely information to keep you informed about the latest happenings that may impact your competitive exams and interviews.

Our Address

CPCT Test,
Near Sharda Vidya Mandir, Ramnagar,
District: Mandla, 481661, Madhya Pradesh

Email: contact@cpcttest.com